FreeBots is a competition challenging the research and development community, worldwide, to present their research results in the form of a technical presentation and a public demo. The scope of the demos encompasses physical robots (one or more), mobile or not, land, aquatic or aerial.
Each demo will be evaluated by a jury of prominent individuals with a strong connection to robotics with respect to its: technical-scientific quality; application potential; capability to present the solution to the public; and quality and success of the demo. The team with the higher score will be declared the winner of the competition.
The rules for participation have been adapted from those officially published in http://rm.isr.ist.utl.pt/documents/62 and described as below for FNR’2023.
During the competition, each team must:
(1) Make a technical presentation (20 min) of your project, including a demo video, and answer technical questions from the jury;
(2) Make a short non-technical presentation together with a public demonstration (30 min), simultaneously responding to challenges launched by the jury / audience.
The evaluation carried out by the jury in both stages must follow the following criteria:
A. Technical-scientific quality of the proposal, evaluated based on the technical presentation to the jury. Weighting = 30%
B. Potential for application, assessed based on the team’s overall performance. Weighting = 20%
C. Ability to present the solution to the public, assessed based on the form of the non-technical presentation, was carried out by the team. Weighting = 20%
D. Quality and success of the demonstration, assessed on the basis of the public demonstration. Weighting = 30%
Coordinating Team
- Brígida Mónica Faria, Instituto Politécnico do Porto | monica.faria@ess.ipp.pt
- Cláudia Rocha, INESC TEC | claudia.d.rocha@inesctec.pt