Industrial Robotic Manipulators
The objective of the Industrial Robotic Manipulators competition is to promote robotics and education in the field of manipulative robotics, within a framework of competition based on fair play principles. Additionally, it is intended that it be a competition in an area where competitions are scarce, and that it is possible to be implemented using either simulators, so that it is possible to implement this competition even in institutions with less resources, or with real equipment. The competition is open to participants from higher education institutions, secondary schools and professionals and to participants who apply individually. This competition has the support of several companies that sell manipulative robots and have simulation software for their robots. To date, the companies that have expressed their willingness to collaborate with SPR in carrying out this test are as follows (listed in alphabetical
– ABB Portugal (robôs ABB)
– FANUC Iberia (robôs FANUC)
– F. Fonseca (robôs TM e Mitsubishi)
– KUKA Ibéria S.A. (robôs KUKA)
– Universal Robots Spain S.L (robôs Universal Robots)
The Robotic Manipulators competition rules for 2023 edition are available here.
Competition – Phase 1: Industrial Robotic Challenge
Anexo: 3D files of the problem !!
Coordinating Team:
- Manuel Silva – ISEP | MSS@isep.ipp.pt
- Bruno Chaparro – IPTomar | bruno.chaparro@ipt.pt