Robot@Factory 4.0
The RobotAtFactory 4.0 test is based on the rules of the extinct RobotAtFactory, with some changes, namely in terms of the robot location technology and the transport of boxes.
While in the test that gives rise to it, the robot had to pick up the box in a form of a forklift, in this version the robot does it using an electromagnet that attracts the box, transporting it to wherever it is needed. Furthermore, in the original test, the robot could be located by the lines on the ground, whereas in the current version 4.0 it has to be located based on markers placed on the ground (ArUco markers), or reflectors placed in the corners of the track.
The floor is printed on two A0 sheets, the layout is flat, with no gaps throughout the test.
In the first leg, it is necessary to move the boxes between the warehouse of departure and the warehouse of arrival. In the second leg some boxes will have to pass through the processing machines and in the third leg some boxes will have to pass through two processing machines. The objective will be to transport as many boxes as possible in the shortest time.
In this edition, the different boxes can be recognized by the robot through the information sent over Wi-Fi. For more information, consult the test adaptation document here:
RobotAtFactory 4.0 Rules:
Coordinating Team:
- José Lima – INESCTEC/CeDRI/IPB jllima@ipb.pt
- Paulo Costa – INESCTEC/FEUP paco@fe.up.pt
- Vítor Pinto – FEUP/SYSTEC – DIGI2 vitorpinto@fe.up.pt